Davidson family return

Following on from http://davidson-usa.blogspot.com - these are the continued ramblings of the Davidson family.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Car hunting

I've just spent the last three days running all over the country looking to buy a car. We sold ours before going to the USA, and upon return to the UK we had planned to borrow my dads spare car. Unfortunately, it had a problem with the alarm system, and had to go into the main dealer for repair - leaving us no way of getting around. The hunt for a car started, and after much internetting, and much zooming around in the Porsche, I finally found something today and drove away 30 minutes later. With one day left of my break before starting back at OAT, we're going to try to make the most of it and get out and about lots tomorrow. Guarantee it'll be awful weather (again).
Not to worry, hopefully now things are on the up. I'm looking forward to getting back to the airport again, and meeting up with some of the guys. Surprisingly enough OAT have failed miserably to keep me notified as to what the plan of action is - but fortunately Wing Commander Todd had the necessary details and was able to forward them on to me.

Now it's time to go chill out with a couple of drinks and a movie, as it's gonna be back to hard work again as of Tuesday...


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