Davidson family return

Following on from http://davidson-usa.blogspot.com - these are the continued ramblings of the Davidson family.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

First Officer Fundamentals

Sorry it's been a while since an update, but the last two weeks have been incredibly busy. I did eventually get sorted with a new car too, which has made things a lot more pleasant for all of us.
I've now finished two weeks of First Officer Fundamentals, and I'm happy to say it exceeded my expectations by a huge amount. We spent the first week (which should have been the second week) going through presentation techniques, how to prepare an analysis of a company, how to put together our CV's, and also had a few people from airlines come in to talk to us. One of them was John Monks, and the others were ex-OAT guys who were now working for airlines. It was a very useful few days indeed.
This last week we were in the hands of two guys who had been brought in to tell us all about Crew Resource Management. One of them was an ex-BA Training Captain, and the other was a current BA Captain (he had just flown in from Singapore on the first day, so was suitably knackered!)
We all had a great time, both the guys (I should probably say 'gentlemen', but they would probably take offence at that) were very friendly, funny and approachable. After being told the previous week that all Captains were 'crusty old farts' this came as a bit of a shock. They even took us all out for a beer on one of the nights.
On Thursday we had to give a presentation on an airline disaster. Ours was Air Florida flight Palm 90, the 737-222 that crashed into the 14th Street Bridge on the Potomac river in Washington in 1982. I spent a lot of time trying to recreate it in flight sim, and with help from Steve and Lee we put together something pretty nice. I'll put it on my website here when I get chance.
We had to give our presentation to one of the APP courses doing ground school - I remember us lot sitting through one 12 months ago... where has the time gone...
After the presentation we took a short break before being given our wings. We all feel pretty good now we have the extra gold bars on our shoulders and gold wings on our chest. First day back in uniform tomorrow so we can all strut around for the next few days feeling pretty special :-)
Now it's time to get serious and start flying again - working towards our Instrument Rating. I'm paired up with Toddy again, so we should have a bit of fun along the way. It's also time to get my CV in order, and start researching some airlines, brushing up my interview technique, and generally getting mentally prepared for what may happen over the next few months. It's going to be very hard work, but if I get the help and support from my family that I've had this last 12 months, I'm sure everything will go ok.
Oh, and congrats to my good buddy Jeroen, who did his Nav Test in Phoenix yesterday, and should be doing his CPL cross country today. Congrats and Good Luck mate!


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