Davidson family return

Following on from http://davidson-usa.blogspot.com - these are the continued ramblings of the Davidson family.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some flying done...

... But mostly sitting around waiting for some good weather. 2006 is gone, and we're now 2 weeks into 2007. I've now flown the aircraft twice, and been in the sim twice. Back at Goodyear I was flying at least once a day, so this is a bit of a shock - and very disappointing.
Some of the other guys have been getting a lot of sim time in, but our instructor seems keen to do things by the book - which means being scheduled for a flight, but then having to cancel because of bad weather. Aside from the course taking longer than planned, and therefore costing more money, it means I am getting a little bit ground happy. I feel my flying skills had rusted over somewhat in the 3 weeks or so between leaving Goodyear and starting flying at Oxford, but now that it's been 2 months since leaving Goodyear, and I've flown twice...... and that's not taking into account that what I was taught in Goodyear seems to be different to what is expected here. *shrug*
I can't complain too much - the view out of my 'office' window is still much better now than it ever has been.
Anyway, here are a few piccies taken out of the back of the aircraft the other day. I didn't have my camera with me, just my mobile - but the piccies aren't that bad. Hopefully soon I'll get some decent piccies and videos.

Just popped through a gap in the clouds

A lot of rain had fallen the night before (pic taken 10th January)

Right base entry to runway 01


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